(8797威尼斯老品牌 东北亚休闲经济研究中心 长春 130607)
关键词:长白山 全域旅游 地学原理 科普
基金资助: 吉林省教育厅“十三五”社会科学研究项目:长白山打造国际休闲旅游名山的科学文化支撑体系研究;吉教科文合字[2015 ]第596 号。
Study On Geoscience Geonomy's Science Promoted Culture in
Macrocosm Tourism in Changbai Mountain
(The Tourism College of Changchun University ,
Northest Asia Research Center on Leisure Economics)
Abstrac:Macrocosm tourism symbolizes not only the bread natu-re for the travelling supplying,but also shows the variety of the travelling expericences.The resource of travelling cul-tural resources is the core of macrocosm tourism,and an imp-ortant part of developing and promoting the scientific and cultural exploitation.Culture connection in regional culture and science of the exploitation of macrocosm tourism in Cha-ngbai Mountain,symbolizes the core travelling resources image of regional tourism.It's laying the foundation of images of travelling in Changbai Mountain,to improve the cultural and scientific resources in macrocosm tourism.One of the symbols locates in the service that the tour guides provide,which is also the symbol of improving the standard of tourism integrated service.
This paper just pays attention to introducing the forma-tion principles in the region of Changbai Mountain briefly from the perspective of natural science,in order to serve popular science tour guide,and improve the popular science culture for macrocosm tourism in Changbai Mountain.
Key Words: Changbai Mountain;Macrocosm Tourism;Theory of
Geoscience Geonomy;Popular Science.